Welcome to the

LM Primary PTO!



We are so excited about the 2024-25 school year and already have so much planned. We'll keep you posted here, and you should join the PTO to be among the first to know about calendar changes, volunteer opportunities, and other exciting things that come up. You'll also get access to member-exclusive extras, such as an opt-in student directory!


You also should follow our Facebook page, where we share pictures from events and last-minute reminders to help you stay informed in this busy season of life.




Let it begin ...

Click image for more info.





LM Primary Dances: March 1

Click image to purchase tickets.






They're live!


The 2024-25 Staff Favorites list is available for you in time for any holiday shopping you might want to do to thank and spoil our hard-working Primary staff. You can view the list at LMPRPTO.org/stafffavorites, or click on the image above. 



Join the LM Primary PTO 



Joining the PTO is free and lets us keep you informed about all of the goings-on at the  Primary. Membership gives you early access to volunteer opportunities for PTO events,  exclusive newsletters and announcements, and more. 


 You also can decide whether your student's information is published in the directory (helpful when it's time for those party invitations as many LMPR classes don't keep directories). This directory is available only to PTO members.  

When you click "Register," you will be prompted to login. If you already have a Membership Toolkit account login with another organization, such as the LMECC, you can use the same log-in here.




Fill out the Membership Form located under Open Forms on the left.