LM Primary PTO's annual Cookie Dough Fundraiser starts Monday, Sept. 16, and ends Monday, Sept. 30.
Packets will be sent home with students Monday, Sept. 16, but in case you misplace your student's fundraising packet, all of the details you need are available here!
On or after Sept. 16, go to fundprizes.com.
Or, scan this QR code:
Register with a valid email, and set a password. Then selection "Ohio," enter Little Miami Primary School, type in your student's full name and teacher's last name, the select your student's grade. You also can add other students if you have more than one student at LM Primary, which lets you track all of your online sales all in one place.
Note: If you have a student at LM Elementary, you already have an account Fund Prizes/Shop Fund account as we are using the same company for LM Primary. (The products being sold are different.) You'll need to add a student to your account and ensure the school for this fundraiser is LM Primary. The name of the school is displayed across the top of your student/fundraiser dashboard as shown below.
Earning Prizes
This year, Coops are back, and they're on a Mystical Adventure! After you register (but only in the first week), you'll earn your first coop. Sharing with 7 friends or family members earns you a second coop and an LED pop tube.
These will be the only prizes given out at the school. Other coops earned (you earn the full set for selling at least 12 items) or additional prizes from Prize Fortune will be delivered with the cookie dough in November and picked up at the same time as your fundraiser order.
All students who sell at least 25 items also will qualify for a limo ride to Scoopz for ice cream! That is scheduled for Nov. 7, and more details will be announced after the fundraiser ends.
The top seller in the whole school (number of items) will win all of that plus a 1-night stay at Great Wolf Lodge in Mason in a family suite!
Delivery of Items and Prizes
Delivery is expected in early to mid-November but definitely before Thanksgiving Break. When we have the exact date, we will announce it on Facebook.
You must come to the school to pick up your items during the scheduled time. Items are shipped frozen, and there is no place for the LM Primary PTO to store a large quantity of frozen items.
If you are not able to come during that time, ask a friend to pick it up for you. We are not able to keep your items until a different day or time. (Before you ask ... no, we cannot use the school's freezer. The kitchen is locked, and the PTO does not have access to it. Plus, the freezer already tons of food in it for our almost 1,000 students' breakfast and lunch needs.)
Prizes other than the two coops and light tube will be available for pick up with your fundraiser order.
Issues after Pickup
Inside your box(es), you'll find a copy of your order form. If you find you are missing items or have damaged items, you can contact the Customer Service number included on that form. You also can reach out to LMPrimaryPTO@gmail.com, but the Customer Service number is faster because that's essentially what we have to do, too. Replacement items will be shipped in dry ice to the school, and we will arrange a pickup time with you.
(Note: If fewer than four total items across the entire school need to be replaced at any point in the process, the customers would receive a cash refund for any products, but the school and your student would still keep any benefit and prizes.)